entrepreneurship Archive

Startup Accelerators for Creators: An Unmet Need

We Need More Startup Resources for Creators Are you a creative entrepreneur, or “creator,” and wondering where all the love is? Where are the startup accelerators, investors, and boot camps for creative startups?  Despite contributing over $700billion to the US economy, creative entrepreneurs struggle to find support that meets their unique needs as founders of high growth ventures.  As professional designers, musicians, filmmakers, many creatives …

Putting the Makers in Creative Placemaking

Creative Entrepreneurs are Creative Place Makers The creative placemaking movement is exciting.  But it may be missing a bigger opportunity to fundamentally shift the role of creatives/artists in planning and building vibrant communities.  (If Creative Placemaking is a new concept to you, jump to the bottom of this post to read more about it.)  The individuals and teams who make creative places happen are mostly …

A Definition of Entrepreneurship

What is your definition of entrepreneurship? It seems over the past decade the application of the awe-inspiring tag of “entrepreneur” has been cornered by those building businesses in the “high tech” fields.  Let’s set aside for a moment the notion that some of us use “low” tech to build businesses while others use “higher” (?) technologies.  I’ll write more on that later.  First, I want …